is a Dapp Platform for Minters, where common
people can Mint, Mine and Yield the Tokens, Crypto Currencies and NFTs by doing work and
by providing Proof of Works through Minting, Promoting and Spreading the MintersForce
Community and accumulate Task Rewards as Tokens, Crypto Currencies and NFTs.
Active Expanders Development Support Advance.
Dear Expanders,
Enter into Active Expander Global Club and claim 200 USDT as Advance for spreading to more Minters. And the advance will be adjusted from future USDT earnings.make use of it and build your Minters and Expanders Team.
Advance will be available till 1 Million USDT advance disbursement or till 30th April 2025. Whichever is earlier.
IMC bonus for USDT withdrawal not available from now on..
This offer available only for New Expander Subscriber and Upgrading to Expander subscription from 26th December 2024.
Minters Yearly Subscription
Eligible for Minting Task Rewards
Earn share of Global Team Subscription from 5 Levels Upwards and 5
Levels Downwards
Promoters Yearly Subscription
Eligible for Minting Task Rewards
Earn share of Global Team Subscription from 10 Levels Upwards and 10
Levels Downwards
Eligible for Referral Program
EXPANDERS Yearly Subscription
Eligible for Minting Task Rewards
Earn share of Global Team Subscription from 15 Levels Upwards and 15
Levels Downwards
Eligible for Referral Program
Eligible to enter into Active Expanders Global Club by fulfilling
other conditions
Earn minting share from Active Global Team Minting from 15 Levels
Upwards and 15 Levels Downwards
Wherever Minters joins MintersForce any where from global, all will be placed one under one in linear system. And above 15 Minters and below 15 Minters is allotted to all Minters.
Earn Global Team Support of 0.5% as USDT on their Subscriptions, Upgradations and Renewals.
Minters earn from above 5 and below 5 Minters.
Promoters earn from above 10 and below 10 Minters.
Expanders earn from above 15 and below 15 Minters.
If Annual subscription is not renewed, Minters will be removed from Global Team.
Again Whenever annual subscription is renewed, Minters will be placed in bottom of linear team like new Minter with new Global Team.
All the eligible Active Expanders placed Under one by one in a linear system while get into eligibility status and each Expanders share their income with above 15 Levels Active Expanders and below 15 Levels Expanders whenever they do withdrawal.
Earn 1% of USDT withdrawals from 30 allotted Active Expanders.
Eligibility criteria to enter into Active Expanders Global Club .
Expanders Subscribtion must be in Active Status.
For every refferal of Promoters get 3 months active status.
( For example directly refer 4 promoters and get 12 months active status).
Whenever Active Expanders losses active status, they will be removed from Active Expanders Global Club.
If again achieved active status, then they are placed into Active Expanders Global Club as a new entrant
Whenever Promoters and Expanders directly refer, they can choose to be placed in the Left Team or Right Team.
If the direct left node or right node is already filled, then directly referred Minters will be placed extreme left side or extreme right side as chosen while generating referral link.
Whenever the left team and right team subscription volume match 100 USDT from both the team , earn 5 USDT as Matching Bonus.
Maximum Matching Bonus per day is 500 USDT.
Matched Subscription volume will be paid or flushed out whenever Bonus reaches maximum bonus limit of the day.
Unmatched subscription volume will be carried forward for the next calculation.
Note - It may increase and decrease time to time based on influencial factors IMC Bonus for USDT withdrawal to be locked for 90 days. and It will be released on the 91st day to the withdrawal zone . You must be an Active Minter by taking any Task Contracts while withdrawing USDT available balance.
Total Earned
Total Withdraw
Available Balance
Admin Fee
Active Expanders Development Support Advance
A. Staking - USDT
B. Number of Tasks -
C. Task per day -
D. Per Task Reward - USDT worth IMC
E. Grace days per Task - days.
F. Cancellation of the Task Contracts - Possible
G. Task Contracts expiry days - days
H. Cancellation of Task Contracts - Possible. (70 of Staked USDT worth IMC can withdraw and 30% of Staked USDT worth IMC sent to burning) days
I. After completion of the Task contract, withdraw 100% Staked USDT worth IMC.
J. Eligible Subscribers Type - Minter and Promoter.
K. Minimum Withdrawal for Learners - 100 IMC.
A. Staking - USDT
B. Number of Tasks -
C. Task per day -
D. Per Task Reward - USDT worth IMC
E. Grace days per Task - days.
F. Cancellation of the Task Contracts - Possible
G. Task Contracts expiry days - days
H. Cancellation of Task Contracts - Possible. (70 of Staked USDT worth IMC can withdraw and 30% of Staked USDT worth IMC sent to burning) days
I. After completion of the Task contract, withdraw 100% Staked USDT worth IMC.
J. Eligible Subscribers Type - Minter, Promoter, Expander.
K. IMC Minimum Withdrawal - 10 USDT worth IMC @ Live Price.
A. Staking - USDT
B. Number of Tasks -
C. Task per day -
D. Per Task Reward -
USDT worth IMC
E. Grace days per Task - days.
F. Cancellation of the Task Contracts - Possible
G. Task Contracts expiry days - days
H. Re Entry-Possible
I. Cancellation of Task Contracts - Possible. (70 of Staked USDT worth IMC can withdraw and 30% of Staked USDT worth IMC sent to burning) days
J. After completion of the Task contract, withdraw 100% Staked USDT worth IMC.
K. Eligible Subscribers Type - Minter, Promoter, Expander.
L. IMC Minimum Withdrawal - 10 USDT worth IMC @ Live Price.
A. Staking - USDT
B. Number of Tasks -
C. Task per day -
D. Per Task Reward - USDT worth IMC
E. Grace days per Task - days.
F. Cancellation of the Task Contracts - Possible
G. Task Contracts expiry days - days
H. Re Entry-Possible
I. Cancellation of Task Contracts - Possible. (70 of Staked USDT worth IMC can withdraw and 30% of Staked USDT worth IMC sent to burning) days
J. After completion of the Task contract, withdraw 100% Staked USDT worth IMC.
K. Eligible Subscribers Type - Minter, Promoter, Expander.
L. IMC Minimum Withdrawal - 10 USDT worth IMC @ Live Price.
A. Staking - USDT
B. Number of Tasks -
C. Task per week -
D. Per Task Reward - USDT worth IMC
E. Grace days per Task - days.
F. Cancellation of the Task Contracts - Possible
G. Task Contracts expiry - weeks
H. Re Entry-Possible
I. Cancellation of Task Contracts - Possible.( 70 of Staked USDT worth IMC can withdraw and 30% of Staked USDT worth IMC sent to burning)
J. After completion of the Task contract, withdraw 100% Staked USDT worth IMC.
K. Eligible Subscribers Type - Expander.
L. IMC Minimum Withdrawal - 10 USDT worth IMC @ Live Price.
For every 25 Active Minters in the MintersForce Platform one Associate Liqudity Partners Slot will be created and allotted to first come first basis
System will create next slot only when another 25 Active Minters in the system or any existing Associate Liqudity Partners cancel their Slots
25% of all Minters Task IMC Reward withdrawal of Minters will be shared equally to all Associate Liqudity Partners every day
25% of IMC system fees will be shared equally to all Associate Liqudity Partners every day.
If Associate Liqudity Partners Staking Slots Contract cancelled by Partners before agreed Reward period , 30% of Staked IMC will be send to burning. Only 70% of Staked IMC can be gets back from the system.
For Example Staking - 100000 IMC ( Note - IMC staking may increase or decrease as per Price Impact of IMC).
Number of Tasks No Tasks.
IMC Minting Reward 25% of MTRs of all Minters in the system equally divided to all ALP.
Contract Expiry date Till reach 4 times of Staked IMC.
IMC Minting advance every 30 days from the staked date , 10% of Staked IMC as Advance or ALP share , whichever is higher.
Eligible Subscribers - Expanders.
Only Expander can Refer ALP.
Expander earn 10% of Staked IMC of their directly referred ALPs.
Expanders earns 10% of Minting Rewards Share earned by directly referred ALPs.
Minting Rewards Share of ALPs treated as Task Reward for other calculations.
Expanders done withdrawal of 1000 + IMC in a month will qualify as Master Expander.
Earn 8% to 12% of Master Expanders withdrawal of IMC of that month from 7 Compressed
Generations( Levels).
Master Expanders compressed upwards by removing Unqualified Expanders and Promoters from geneiology structure and pays 8% to 12% of Master Expanders withdrawal from that particular month to qualified ranks.